Japan Boardgame Prize 2004
The Best Foreign Game for Beginners
Einfach Genial (R.Knizia / Kosmos)

- the rule is relative so easy that beginners can enjoy themselves immediately
- published mainly from October 2003 to September 2004, and available in Japan
2nd: Coyote (116votes / 29.9%)
3rd: Viva il Re! (74 votes / 19.1%)
4th: Fab Fib (56)
5th: Saboteur (54)
6th: Iglu Pop (46)
7th: Marco Polo (20)
8th: Yinsh (15)

The Best Advanced Game
Ticket to Ride (A.R.Moon / Days of Wonder)

- more advenced and can be played by those who are accostomed to play games
- published mainly from October 2003 to September 2004, and available in Japan
2nd: St. Petersburg (134 votes / 34.5%)
3rd: Modern Art (75 votes / 19.3%)
4th: Goa (55)
4th: Maharaja (55)
6th: Attika (38)
7th: Hansa (31)
8th: Maya (17)

The Best Japanese Game
San Juan (A.Seyfarth / alea, Mobius Games)

- published in japanese package
- published in 2004, and sold in Japan
2nd: Cucco (111 votes / 28.6%)
3rd: Monster Maker Revised (57 votes / 14.7%)
4th: Gra-Gra Company (42)
5th: Mickey & Friends Five Links (41)
6th: Pyramid Pyramid (35)
7th: Mattix (23)
8th: Dokodemo Doraemon (20)
9th: Dream Auction Game(14)

The Best Childgame
Geistertreppe (M.Schanen / Drei Magier Spiele)

- easy to play for children to eight years old, and also quite enjoyable for parents
- published recently, and sold in Japan
2nd: Meister Scheibenkleister (76 votes / 19.6%)
3rd: Zauber Kreisel (59 votes / 15.2%)
4th: Make'n'Break (57)
5th: Eiertanz(55)
6th: Don't break the ice(37)
7th: Monte Rolla (36)
8th: Mare Polare(23)
9th: Venga-Venga! (15)

(Total number of voter: 388. three games from nominees can be voted in every category, so the total percentage is not 100%)
We announce the 3rd Japan Boardgame Prize! If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.
Japan Boardgame Prize
Nominee Lists of Japan Boardgame Prize 2004