Japan Boardgame Prize 2011
We announce the 10th Japan Boardgame Prize! It is divided into two categories, namely, U-more Award and Voters' Selection.
We award a good game for beginners and families, named "U-more Award". The jury consists of seven administlators of our family gaming society. After 2 months of discussion and selection, we decided "Pig 10" as game of the year and two nominees.
U-more Award - Game of the Year:
RinglDing (Haim Shafir / AMIGO Spiel dist.by Brother Jordan & elf)

Incan Gold (Japanese edition) (Bruno Faidutti, Alan R. Moon / Arclight Games)

And Voters' Selection: 423 boardgamers from 38 prefectures took part in the award, in cooperation with many boardgame circles and shops. They selected upto five favorites from a list of 264 titles, which were sold in Japanese market within the last one year. We added up for each voter 5 points to the first favorit, 4 points to the second ... 1 point to the fifth.
As a result "7 Wonders" won the Japan Board Game Prize 2011. It has already won many boardgame prizes since last year around the world. In Japan it is highly rated, too.
Voters' Selection - 1st Prize:
7th: Yabu no naka(“Hattari” Japanese edition) (Jun Sasaki / Oink Games)
8th: King of Tokyo (Richard Garfield / Hobby Japan)
9th: Pig 10 (Japanese edition) (Ayelet Pnueli / Mobius Games)
10th: Quarriors! (Japanese edition) (Mike Elliott, Eric M. Lang / Arclight Games)
If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.