Japan Boardgame Prize 2007
The Best Foreign Game for Beginners
Zooloretto (M.Schacht / Abacusspiele)

- its rule is relative easy, and playing time is short, so that everyone can enjoy themselves immediately, regardless of experience
- published mainly from October 2006 to September 2007, and available in Japan
2nd: Jenseits von Theben (69 votes / 18.2%)
3rd: Burg Appenzell (59 votes / 15.6%)
4th: Bungee, Code Knacker (38)
6th: Jetzt schlägt's 13! (36)
7th: Pow Wow (33)
8th: Alles im Eimer, Die Schatztaucher (32)
10th: Ubongo Bring-mich-mit (30)
11th: Walk The Dogs (17)

The Best Advanced Game
Die Säulen der Erde (M.Rieneck, S.Stadler / Kosmos Verlag)

- more advanced and can be played by those who are accustomed to play games
- published mainly from October 2006 to September 2007, and available in Japan
2nd: Notre Dame (38 votes / 10.0%)
3rd: Jenseits von Theben (25 votes / 6.6%)
4th: Yspahan (18)
5th: Caylus Magna Carta (15)
6th: Imperial (14)
7th: Wikinger (13)
8th: Alchemist, Ticket to Ride USA 1910 (12)
10th: Zooloretto, Taluva (11)

The Best Japanese Game
Bursa (Anonymous / Learning Design Association Inc.)

- published in Japanese package
- published in 2007, and of course sold in Japan
2nd: Goita (63 votes / 16.6%)
3rd: Moji Pittan Cardgame (41 votes / 10.8%)
4th: Tenplus (28)
5th: Gonin-kan (17)
6th: ZAi Stock Game, Unsun Carta (11)
8th: It's a quiz?, Trick & Treat (10)

The Best Childgame
Hüpf Hüpf Hurra! (H.Meister / Ravensburger AG)

- its illustration and components are designed for children, easy to play for children less than nine years old, and also quite enjoyable for parents
- published mainly from October 2006 to September 2007, and available in Japan
2nd: Burg Appenzell (85 votes / 22.4%)
3rd: Moji Pittan (56 votes / 14.8%)
4th: Make 'n' Break Extreme (41)
5th: Piraten auf Schatzjagd (31)
6th: Der schwarze Pirat, Tenplus (25)
8th: Rettet den Mächenschatz! (23)
9th: Hoppla-Hopp (8)

Total number of voter: 379. Three games can be voted in each category, so the total percentage is not 100%.
We announce the 6th Japan Boardgame Prize! If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.
Japan Boardgame Prize
Nominee Lists of Japan Boardgame Prize 2007