Japan Boardgame Prize 2009
1st Prize:
Le Havre (Uwe Rosenberg / Lookout Games)

Japanese Distributer: Gamestore Banesto
(Japanese Edition is to be on sale since March 2010 from Hobby Japan)253pt.
7th: Dominion: Intrigue (Donald Vaccarino / Hobby Japan)
8th: Galaxy Trucker (Vladimir Chvatil / Czech Games Edition)
9th: ... aber mit bitte Sahne (Jeffrey D. Allers / Winning Moves)
10th: Domemo (Alex Randolph / Gentosha Education)
We announce the 8th Japan Boardgame Prize!
Voters selected upto five favorites from a list of 224 titles, which were sold in Japan from October 2008 to September 2009. We added up for each voter 5 points to the first favorit, 4 points to the second ... 1 point to the fifth. Total number of voters amounted to 349 from 36 Prefectures in cooperation with many boardgame circles and shops.
As a result "Dominion" won the Japan Board Game Prize 2009.
Apart from this, we award a good game for beginners and families, named "U-more Award". The jury consists of seven administlators of our family gaming society.
U-more Award:
Domemo (Alex Randolph / Gentosha Education)

Marrakech (Dominique Ehrhard / Gigamic Japan)

Monza (Jürgen P.K. Grunau / Haba-Habermaaß)

If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.