Japan Boardgame Prize 2010
1st Prize:
7th: Fresco (Marco Ruskowski, Marcel Süßelbeck / Queen Games dist.by Mobius Games)
8th: Ubongo 3D (Grzegorz Rejchtman / Kosmos Verlag dist.by Mobius Games)
9th: Die Speicherstadt (Stefan Feld / eggertspiele dist.by Hobby Japan)
10th: Barbarossa (Atsuo Yoshizawa / Arclight Games)
We announce the 9th Japan Boardgame Prize!
Voters selected upto five favorites from a list of 205 titles, which were sold in Japanese market within the last one year. We added up for each voter 5 points to the first favorit, 4 points to the second ... 1 point to the fifth. Total number of voters amounted to 412 from 41 Prefectures in cooperation with many boardgame circles and shops.
As a result "Cat & Chocolate" won the Japan Board Game Prize 2010. It is first time for Japanese original game to get the first prize. This game was presented at SPIEL '10 from Japon Brand. You can see the description here (English) or here (German). The French edition will be released as "Texas Zombies" from Moonster Games.
Apart from this, we award a good game for beginners and families, named "U-more Award". The jury consists of seven administlators of our family gaming society. This time we could not find a game worth for U-more Award. So we show only nominee list.
Diego Drachenzahn (Manfred Ludwig / Haba-Habermaaß dist.by Brother Jordan)

GiftTrap (Japanese edition) (Nick Kellet / Arclight Games)

Ingenious (Japanese edition) (Reiner Knizia / Hobby Japan)

If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.