Japan Boardgame Prize 2006
The Best Foreign Game for Beginners
HEY! That's my fish! (G.Cornett, A.Jakeliunas / Phalanx Spiele)

- its rule is relative easy, and playing time is short, so that everyone can enjoy themselves immediately, regardless of experience
- published mainly from October 2005 to September 2006, and available in Japan
2nd: Cloud 9 (62 votes / 27.8%)
3rd: Seeräuber (60 votes / 26.9%)
4th: Chinesische Mauer (35)
5th: Zauberstauber (33)
6th: Just 4 Fun (27)
7th: Fettnapf in Sicht (26)
8th: Aquädukt (24)
9th: Celtica (14)
10th: Pünct (5)

The Best Advanced Game
Thurn und Taxis (K.Seyfarth, A.Seyfarth / Hans im Glück)

- more advanced and can be played by those who are accustomed to play games
- published mainly from October 2005 to September 2006, and available in Japan
2nd: Caylus (38 votes / 26.8%)
3rd: Hazienda (26 votes / 18.3%)
4th: Um Ru(h)m und Ehre (14)
5th: Ticket to Ride - Märklin (13)
6th: Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (12)
7th: Blue Moon City (11)
8th: Um Krone und Kragen (10)

The Best Japanese Game
Ticket to Ride (A.R.Moon / Bandai)

- published in Japanese package
- published in 2006, and of course sold in Japan
2nd: 6 nimmt! (82 votes / 36.8%)
3rd: R-ECO / Shadow Hunters (both 63 votes / 28.3%)
5th: Rune Bound (28)
6th: Blokus Trigon (25)
7th: Happy Dog (14)
8th: Warumono 2 (11)
9th: Phantom Rummy (9)

The Best Childgame
Giro Galoppo (J-P.Grunau / Selecta Spielzeug)

- its illustration and components are designed for children, easy to play for children less than nine years old, and also quite enjoyable for parents
- published mainly from October 2005 to September 2006, and available in Japan
2nd: Das kleine Gespenst (41 votes / 18.4%)
3rd: Nacht der Magier (38 votes / 17.0%)
4th: Kiki Ricky (28)
5th: Los Mampfos (26)
6th: Doktor Schlüsselbart (22)
7th: Picco Popolino (13)

Total number of voter: 223(for the best advanced game: 142). three games can be voted in each category, so the total percentage is not 100%.
We announce the 5th Japan Boardgame Prize! If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.
Japan Boardgame Prize
Nominee Lists of Japan Boardgame Prize 2006