Japan Boardgame Prize 2005
The Best Foreign Game for Beginners
Diamant (B.Faidutti, A.R.Moon / Schmidt Spiele)

- the rule is relative so easy that beginners can enjoy themselves immediately
- published mainly from October 2004 to September 2005, and available in Japan
2nd: Kakerlakenpoker (118votes / 28.8%)
3rd: Niagara (103 votes / 25.1%)
4th: Piranha Pedro (88)
5th: Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck (66)
6th: Ubongo (65)
7th: Verflixxt! (52)
8th: Wings of War (31)
9th: Fjorde (24)
10th: Flix Mix (19)
"Thank-you so much. It seems like the interest in board games is growing in Japan so this is great news. I'm thrilled to know that so many people are playing my games. DIAMANT is such a simple game, I hope it help get even more people interested in playing games."- Alan R.Moon
"I'm really glad that Diamant, a light and fun game that can be played so easily by many players, is successful in Japan. I wonder if there is something in it that appeals specifically to japanese and asian players, may be because there is something of "rock - paper - scissors" in it - even with the gesture." - Bruno Faidutti
The Best Advanced Game
Shadows over Camelot (S.Laget, B.Cathala / Days of Wonder)

- more advenced and can be played by those who are accostomed to play games
- published mainly from October 2004 to September 2005, and available in Japan
2nd: Ticket to Ride - Europe (88 votes / 21.5%)
3rd: Louis XIV (84 votes / 20.5%)
4th: Manila (71)
5th: Himalaya (38)
6th: Jambo (27)
7th: Das Zepter von Zavandor (26)
8th: Betrayal at House on the Hill, Der Turmbau zu Babel (22)
10th: War of the Ring (18)
11th: Oltremare - Merchants of Venice (17)
12th: Kreta, Im Schatten des Kaisers (16)
14th: Boomtown (12)
15th: Australia (7)
16th: Ys (6)
"For a game designer, satisfaction comes when one of own games is played and appreciated all around the world! Having Shadows over Camelot awarded the Japan Boardgame Prize has helped turn our dreams into a reality. Thank you very much for this award, we are both honored and happy!"-Bruno Cathala
"Days of Wonder is very honored that Shadows over Camelot has received the Japan Boardgame Prize for Best Foreign Game for Advanced Players. As publishers our hope is to make games that have a universal appeal to all types of players in all countries. This award is a validation that Shadows over Camelot is such a game."- Mark Kaufmann
The Best Japanese Game
Q-Jet (W.Riedesser / Mobius Games)

- published in japanese package
- published in 2005, and of course sold in Japan
2nd: Simpei (111 votes / 27.1%)
3rd: Blokus Duo (82 votes / 20.0%)
4th: Fairy Tale (73)
5th: Fluxx (72)
6th: Potato de cho! (35)
7th: Trinka (11)
"Das ist eine tolle Überraschung! Es freut mich sehr, dass Q-Jet in Japan genau so gerne gespielt wird wie Ave Caesar in Europa und Amerika. Gratulation an Möbius Games. Sie haben einen exzellenten Job mit der Umsetzung geleistet. Allen Q-Jet Piloten wünsche ich viele spannende Rennen."-Wolfgang Riedesser
The Best Childgame
Mago Magino (R.Knizia / Selecta Spielzeug)

- easy to play for children to eight years old, and also quite enjoyable for parents
- published in 2005, and sold in Japan
2nd: Buddel Company (56 votes / 13.7%)
3rd: Pick a Dilly (50 votes / 12.2%)
4th: Snorta (40)
5th: Tier auf Tier (36)
6th: Labyrinth - Die Schatzjagd, Gute Freunde (33)
7th: Daddy Cool (26)
"Wegen der guten Spielidee und dem wertigen Zubehor hat das Wurfelspiel "Mago Magino" im Jahr 2005 viele Familien begeistert. Aus diesem Grund hat "Mago Magino" in Europa bei mehreren Wettbewerben hervorragende Preise bekommen. Wir sind nun ganz besonders stolz darauf, dass wir auch in Japan in der Kategorie "Best Childgame" den "Japan Board Game Award 2005" erhalten haben. Natuerlich ist das auch eine besondere Auszeichnung fur den Autor Reiner Knizia, der sich mit folgenden Worten bei Ihnen bedanken mochte: "I am delighted that Mago Magino has won the Japan Boardgame Award 2005. I wish all players, young and old, much fun with the game. Beware of the witch! - Best Wishes to all my fans."-Yvonne Koepff
(Total number of voter: 410. three games from nominees can be voted in each category, so the total percentage is not 100%)
We announce the 4th Japan Boardgame Prize! If you have any question or opinion, please mail to us.
Japan Boardgame Prize
Nominee Lists of Japan Boardgame Prize 2005